EasyBeans is an open source implementation by ObjectWeb of the EJB3 container specification. 
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6.4. Smart Bootstrap

Sometimes, it's easier to launch the client with a bootstrap class instead of setting a factory. Then, the smart component is providing also a bootstrap class.

6.4.1. Smart Library

The smart bootstrap jar library is provided in the releases of EasyBeans. It can also be downloaded from the maven repository: http://repo2.maven.org/maven2/org/ow2/easybeans/easybeans-component-smartclient/

Select the version corresponding to the EasyBeans version.

6.4.2. Smart Bootstrap class

In order to launch the bootstrap, the ow_easybeans_component_smartclient.jar file needs to be present and then it is invoked by using:

java -jar ow_easybeans_component_smartclient.jar

Usage is printed when no parameteres are specified.

The jars containing the client provided by the developer are given using the -cp flag

java -jar ow_easybeans_component_smartclient.jar -cp myClient.jar:mylib.jar

The name of the client's class is provided on this command

java -jar ow_easybeans_component_smartclient.jar -cp myClient.jar:mylib.jar org.MyClient

In order to download classes, the bootstrap is connecting to the EasyBeans server by using default port/hostname. To specify a different host or port number, the following arguments can be used:

-port for the port number or -hostname for specifying the host name.

Copyright © 2006 EasyBeans / ObjectWeb consortium
