EasyBeans is an open source implementation by ObjectWeb of the EJB3 container specification. 
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Chapter 1. Introduction to EJB3

1.1. Overview

EJB3 is included in the next J2EE specification, JAVA EE 5. ( http://java.sun.com/javaee/5/ )

The EJB3 specification is defined in JSR 220, which can be found at the following location: http://www.jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=220

The publication is published as three separate files:

  1. The core

  2. The persistence provider

  3. The simplified specification, which contains new features

The EJB3 persistence provider is plugged into the EJB3 container. Available persistence providers are: Hibernate EntityManager, Apache OpenJPA, TopLink Essentials, and Eclipse Link etc.

Copyright © 2006 EasyBeans / ObjectWeb consortium
